логотип Доротея

162ууу-111 — копия (2)

(Русский) Андрей Серков 07.07.2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. В экспозиции представлены графика из нескольких серий (пейзаж,натюрморт,абстракция),выполненные углем,пастелью,акварелью. Пронзительность бытия и внутреннее одиночество творца особенно остро […]

Японский мотив 2017 — копия
Японский мотив 2017 — копия

(Русский) Пятый сезон Russian Art Park “Мы в ответе за то, что притянули” 10.06.2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Пятый сезон проекта состоится 10.06.2018 года, в южной столице современного российского актуального искусства, городе Краснодаре. «Мы в […]


(Русский) Николай Джанян 28.05.-08.06.2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 28 мая состоялось открытие персональной выставки Николая Джаняна в галерее «Доротея». Его полотна наполнены солнечными красками юга, […]


(Русский) Выставка живописи “Художники Крыма” 24.04.-22.05.2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 24 апреля 2018 в галерее “Доротея” открылась выставка живописи “Художники Крыма” из коллекции Артура Григоряна. Представлены работы крымских […]

Есенов Ахсар Эльбрусович фото

(Русский) Ахсар Есенов “Цвет Кавказа” 24.03.-21.04.2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Родился 12 октября 1970 г. Заслуженный художник Республики Северная Осетия-Алания. У Есенова свой почерк, свой стиль. А […]

Плакат открытие

(Русский) Открытие галереи «Доротея» 25.11.2017

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 25.11.2017 в 18:00 состоялось открытие галереи «Доротея» (Gallery “Dorothea”). На открытии были представлены картины Кубанских, Крымских и […]

Personal and group art exhibitions. Dorathea gallery invites you!

Within art promoting the gallery regularly holds group and personal exhibitions of paintings of various genres and styles. Acquainting public with creations of the famous artists and also new names in the world of painting, Dorathea uses the huge efforts for the most favorable representation of each work to the viewer. By means of gallery it is possible to admire samples of the high fine arts, and also to buy the pleasant painting in Krasnodar or online. The exhibitions in Krasnodar held by gallery have already deserved recognition of general public and hot gratitude of paintings’ authors. The exposition space issued in light tones and complemented with several types of lighting allows to present each work in the best way. Works of Kuban and Crimean artists are shown and also painting and graphics of artists from other regions of Russia are exhibited on the basis of the gallery. In June, 2018 Dorathea gallary was chosen as a platform for carrying out the Vth season of the All-Russian project “RussianArtPark”.

Art exhibitions in Krasnodar and accompanying work to them carried out by Dorathea gallery

Exhibition activity of gallery is not limited to demonstration function only. Dorathea performs the whole complex of works including services of preparation and printing of the poster, mailing of invitations, announcement of exhibitions in media and also detailed covering of last exhibition in the most popular editions and the Internet portals. An obligatory element of exhibitions promoting is the active work in social networks which is carried out with participation of the largest media and SMM resources of the city and region. Opening of each exhibition is imprinted by detailed photo reports of the professional photographer and also work of the videographer. The vigorous accompanying activity held by specialists of the gallery to each exhibition allows to cover entirely a cultural event and to distribute information about its carrying out among the maximum number of the potential audience and those people who want to buy a picture on a wall, for a collection or as a magnificent gift.

Bright and effective exhibition space: Dorathea gallery

Creating exhibition space of Dorathea, its owner, the collector and the patron Artur Grigoryan set for himselves the tasks of development and promoting of the sphere of picturesque art. Today the public has already estimated the cozy and hospitable atmosphere prevailing in Dorathea. Artists thank gallery for individual approach to each stage of the organization of an art event. Also collectors of objects of the fine arts, who are looking for an opportunity to buy oil pictures about Kuban or to get paintings of other subject, work of various genres and the style directions, speak of activity of gallery with gratitude and respect. Today the gallery is surely among demanded exhibition spaces of Krasnodar and gains the increasing popularity among audience, artists, collectors and judges of high arts. Dorathea invites you to personal and group art exhibitions and hopes that activity of gallery will help you to open for yourself the amazing and unique world of painting.
ph.: +7 (918) 313 04 36
e-mail: dorothea.art-gallery@mail.ru
Official website of Grigoryan Artur Romikovich, "Dorothea.ru".
Any use of materials of the website must contain reference to dorothea.ru

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Dorothea.ru (C) 2017-2018