Pavel Babenko was born in 1946 on the Kamchatsky Peninsula. In 1952 he moved in a village. And since 1955 he lives and works in Krasnodar.
In 1974 he graduated from the Kuban State University (painter, graphic artist). After graduation, he did not succumb to temptations to write
the overseas beauties of Venice and Provence, and found his subjects in his native Kuban.
He is a member of the Union of Artists from Russia.
1991 – “Exhibition of artists – descendants of the Cossacks of Russia”, Krasnodar, Russia.
1992 – “Soviet Russia”, Moscow, Russia.
1992 – “South”, Krasnodar, Russia.
1993 – “The passing millennium”, Krasnodar-Moscow, Russia.
1994 – Framing Matters, UK, London, Hay’s Gallery.
1995 – winner of the regional exhibition-competition of artists of Kuban, diploma of the II degree in the field of painting, Krasnodar, Russia.
1996 – personal exhibition, Krasnodar, Russia.
2005 – winner of the regional exhibition-competition of artists of the Kuban, diploma of the first degree in the field of painting, Krasnodar, Russia.
2005 – Fellow of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
2009 – participant of the exhibition in Manezh, Moscow.
2010, May-June – The first South-Russian “Biennale” of contemporary art – installation.
2010, September – Honored guest and personal exhibition at the opening of the Museum of Modern Art “Erarta”, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2010 – laureate of the award “Faith” – Nomination “For the conformity of the chosen technique” Pasha Babenko (Ekaterinodar, Russia) for the work “Great Still Life” – “Traditions and Modernity”, Moscow International Arts Festival.
2011 – participant of the exhibition “Scream in Art”, gallery “Echo”, Maikop, Russia.
2011 – exhibition “The Exodus from the Still Life”, the Museum of Contemporary Art “Erarta”, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2012 – exhibition “Poetry of simple life …”, gallery LES, Moscow, Russia
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