Media about us. Dorathea gallery in information space
Activity of Dorathea gallery is constructed on the principles of openness and hospitality. The most interesting art events, significant exhibitions – both personal and group - bring together audience and collectors from all Krasnodar region.
The founder of the gallery Artur Grigoryan, collector and patron, attaches particular importance to publicizing of work of Dorathea in mass media. Thanks to active presence of the gallery in information space of Krasnodar region general public has an opportunity to plunge freely into the world of the fine arts. Promoting of gallery work in media is important for collectors who learn in time about replenishment of collections and have an opportunity to buy pictures in online store of gallery.
Cooperation of Dorathea gallery with media
Starting the organization of an exhibition or other art event, the gallery seeks to make the held event memorable and significant at the level of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region. For the solution of such task the gallery prepares and prints posters, placing them both on open street carriers and in the corresponding announcements in media. Competent announcement of exhibitions and art events becomes a guarantee of success of their carrying out.
Within cooperation with mass media Doroteya works with printed and television media and also Internet portals. An obligatory element of information activities of gallery is also active presence of Dorathea at the social networks with equal actual importance to media. Quite often the collectors who are interested in art and wish to buy a picture on the Internet learn about new exhibitions and sales of paintings in social networks.
Certainly, work of the gallery with media and SMM is not limited to announcement and invitations of the audience. Each exhibition or other art event held by the gallery is imprinted by the professional photographer and the videographer. Photos and video records about the events held in gallery also appear in the telecasts, printing editions, sections devoted to culture on the large Internet portals.
Reviews of collectors and visitors of work of Dorathea gallery
The popularity of Dorathea gallery among audience and collectors steadily grows. Today the gallery strongly took place in number of the most demanded exhibition spaces of Krasnodar and Krasnodar region. Drawing courses for all comers, exhibitions of the eminent and beginning artists, bright art events wait for guests of gallery. According to visitors reviews, in Dorathea there is really unique, cozy, creative atmosphere opening the world of the high, free, not having art restrictions for fans of painting.
Of course, the huge contribution to growth of popularity is made by cooperation of the gallery with media. The gallery expresses huge gratitude to television, printing and to the online editions which were among constant information friends of the Krasnodar showroom Dorathea and tell potential partners that it is always open for new ways of promoting of the fine arts. Brightness and relevance of art projects, a high-quality photo and video content, comprehensive maintenance of each cultural event provided with specialists of the gallery by all means will make cooperation of Dorathea gallery with media useful and interesting to each of partners. We will heartily welcome you even if your purpose is not buying a picture in Krasnodar, but also just to come and to spend time with pleasure, enjoying art viewing.